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Welcome to
Christ's Courtiers

About Christ's Courtiers

Supporting isolated adults on recreational activities and with our talk & prayer lines. Our charity’s focus is those who just have TV as their companion. Loneliness can be deadly and it’s good to talk. We have a Talk Line & Prayer Line. Eligible beneficiaries go on farm trips, in order to support isolated adults on recreational activities so as for them to get to know others in a similar situation.

Thus, we raise funds for recreational activities to improve isolated adults’ quality of life.

Basis of Faith

We believe in...

Light cross on wood floor

The Sovereignty and grace of the One True God Who lives eternally in three persons; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (in creation, providence, revelation, redemption and final judgment).

Sunrise silhouette with birds

The divine inspiration and supremacy of Holy Scripture; The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testament scriptures) and its consequent entire trustworthiness and in all matters of faith and conduct

Wood cross over forest

The universal sinfulness and guilt of fallen human persons making them subject to God's wrath and judgment

Hands forming hearts

The incarnation of God; the Lord Jesus Christ (truly divine and truly human at the same time on earth) - Son of God as the sole sacrificial redeemer from the power of sin and guilt and from its eternal consequences

White cross on building

The atonement of Christ on the cross dying in our place so that by the grace of God through faith in Christ crucified and risen from the dead we can be eternally saved and reconciled with God

Group holding hands on walk

The illuminating, regenerating, indwelling and sanctifying work of God the Holy Spirit

Diverse handshake

The holy priesthood of all believers who form the universal Church the Body of which Christ is the Head and which is committed by His command to the proclamation of the Gospel throughout the world as the Saviour of the world

People playing chess outside

The expectation of the personal visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory

Wood cross over forest

The Sovereignty and grace of the One True God Who lives eternally in three persons; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (in creation, providence, revelation, redemption and final judgment).

Sunrise silhouette with birds

The divine inspiration and supremacy of Holy Scripture; The Holy Bible (both Old and New Testament scriptures) and its consequent entire trustworthiness and in all matters of faith and conduct

Light cross on wood floor

The universal sinfulness and guilt of fallen human persons making them subject to God's wrath and judgment

Hands forming hearts

The incarnation of God; the Lord Jesus Christ (truly divine and truly human at the same time on earth) - Son of God as the sole sacrificial redeemer from the power of sin and guilt and from its eternal consequences

White cross on building

The atonement of Christ on the cross dying in our place so that by the grace of God through faith in Christ crucified and risen from the dead we can be eternally saved and reconciled with God

Group holding hands on walk

The illuminating, regenerating, indwelling and sanctifying work of God the Holy Spirit

Diverse handshake

The holy priesthood of all believers who form the universal Church the Body of which Christ is the Head and which is committed by His command to the proclamation of the Gospel throughout the world as the Saviour of the world

People playing chess outside

The expectation of the personal visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory

Black logo

Deepshikha Paneser

Founder & Trustee

Email Telephone 07545 208563

Where We're Based

Please see images below of nearby accommodation, farmland where activities take place, the canal & lock, tractors & diggers and the nearest train station.

Those isolated adults from luton that are eligible for trips to the farm in Reading will be able to do activities for recreation like frisbee, football, rounders, knitting / sewing / crochet under a gazebo, fishing in the canal (then putting the fish back), potting plants, planting trees, going for long walks, watching the tractor / digger at work, listening to speeches, socialising, etc. They will be able to meet others in a similar situation so as to be able to form bonds of friendship ending social isolation for adults.


Consider donating to Christ's Courtiers to help provide vital support and companionship to isolated adults in need.

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As a CHRIST’S COURTIERS supporter, you’re eligible for a free Will with

With award winning online service, you can make a free, legally-binding Will in just fifteen minutes. Each Will is checked, vetted and approved by a solicitor and your Will can be updated quickly and easily for free, forever.

There’s no obligation to leave a gift to us, but we do hope you do so to enable us to continue our important work.

Leaving a legacy in your will is one of the best ways of ensuring that we can continue our valuable work. We are a charity that supports isolated adults in order to relieve social isolation and nearly all of our work is paid for by donations. A gift in your will, however small or large, can help ensure we can always be here for isolated adult beneficiaries and can aid their transition from loneliness in their lives to more social contact via telephone chats, mingling at our farm and inevitably forming friendship bonds with other beneficiaries.

By making a Will you can ensure that your wishes, and the people and causes you care about, are provided for. After providing for your family and friends remembering us in your Will means that we will be able to carry on the work of supporting isolated adult beneficiaries. By leaving a gift to Christ’s Courtiers in your Will you can shape the future, ensuring that we are always here for socially isolated adults.

Christ’s Courtiers is committed to being there for our beneficiaries who suffer from social isolation and who need us. If you decide to leave a gift in your will to us, you will be supporting us to make sure these isolated adults always have some kind of social interaction.

Every single gift is vital to Christ’s Courtiers and we appreciate any gift you may choose to leave us. Whatever the value of your gift, it will go a long way to help someone who needs us. It will not cost you a penny during your lifetime. It is simple to do and is free from inheritance tax.

All gifts, whatever their size make a real difference. It truly is a gift of a lifetime.

We thank you in advance for making a generous, thoughtful contribution. Your gift will make a lasting and positive difference to our cause.

Freewills Charity

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